Thursday, February 13, 2014

Nine Mumbai Train Passengers Die Horribly

Jan 8th 2014
Nine Mumbai Train Passengers Die Horribly
Three train carriages were engulfed in flames, killing 9 sleeping passengers on departure from Mumbai on the Banda-Dehradum Express.
On Wednesday, January 8th, 2014, a train leaving from Mumbai was engulfed in flames, racing through three carriages leaving terrified passengers gasping for air and scrambling for their lives
Speculation has been rife about the source of the fire. Many witnesses speculated about a cigarette being dropped in the toilet, which seems unlikely. Official enquires are continuing and a full report is hoped for soon.  The railway system has a bad safety record with another train crash only a few weeks ago killing 23 people.
“All the windows and doors were closed and the carriage compartments were filled with smoke.” said one of the surviving passengers.
 An official said the carriages were so badly damaged that he was not surprised by the death toll.
4 passengers were burned to death and the other 5 died from suffocation.

Article by Brodie Feeney

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